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Scone Icing

You* asked and here it is!

Recipe for the icing that we use on our scones:

(You can get the extract and baking mix from our online shop if you are too far away to drop in. Each has a link in the name, or you can go to our online shop.)

If you think of new ways to use the scone mix or icing let us know, we’d love to learn from you. Visit our Facebook Page to let us know or send us an email.

1 egg white
1 Tbl Heavy whipping cream
1/2 tsp Lavender extract
1 Tbl Milk
5 1/2 Cups Powdered Sugar

In a bowl, whip the egg white until stiff.
Add Heavy Whipping cream and beat until frothy.
Mix in Lavender Extract and Milk until they are incorporated into the mixture.
Finally, gently mix in the Powdered sugar.

If you want to have the icing be light drizzle or have it heavy and thick, you can adjust the milk amount to suit your preference.


* Our customers have come into our shop to get our increasingly popular scones. We have a Lemon Lavender Scone baking mix but they wanted to have the whole experience which includes our icing.