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Flood, Fire, Farming

Lake Lavande at Lavender Wind
Lake Lavande at Lavender Wind

Fire! Water! Earth! Air! The four elements from ancient times describe the necessities of life. This year, water was the element that came down from the sky in droves, drops, puddles, lakes, and sheets. It soaked the ground, saturated the fields, created lakes where there had been none, and caused bluffs to collapse into the sea. It flooded our fields. The earth could not contain the water, the air blew hard, but still wasn’t enough to evaporate the water. And in the end, after the waters receded fire is what came to clean up the lavenders that drowned.

Dead Lavenders April 2016
Dead Lavenders April 2016

Farming is full of risks as any farmer around the world will tell you. This year it was water. Neighbors were pumping out flooded basements and pranks were played by setting out plastic pink flamingos in one of the many lakes that were created in the saturated fields. Lavender, though, is a perennial crop. It stays planted in the ground for an average of 10 years, producing for at least 8 of those years. This year, many of our 4 year old lavender plants were drowned. The waters of the temporary lake (Lake Lavande) drowned the lavenders. Even so, in February and March one couldn’t tell they were dead. But, in April it was clear. The plants that are grey, rather than green don’t have leaves coming out, they are dead.

Pitching away dead lavenders
Sydney, pitching away dead lavenders

To keep the fields healthy we had to take out the dead plants as soon as we could get onto the field without getting the tractor stuck in mud. We dug out the plants with the bucket, shook off the dirt, and piled them up to transport them to their funeral pyre.

The green weeds you see above are horsetail. It is a deep rooted living fossil (because it has been on the earth for so long) and it loves the damper ground. It is extremely difficult to eradicate, so we will keep this part of the field brown all summer to weaken it. But, that won’t make it go away, that takes years of hard work (and chemicals if you are willing to use them, which we aren’t) and even then there is no guarantee it will be gone. Some people use it for medicinal purposes, but we haven’t pursued that option.

Drowned lavender pile
Pile of drowned lavender, not sure how many plants are in that pile yet.

There is a possibility of disease, so the plants are being burned. One night, after work, we burned 300 of them in about an hour and a half. That only made a small dent in the big pile, so we’ll be having more bonfires when the weather permits. Lavender burns hot and fast, the fire would flare up with each plant we put on top of the coals. It was beautiful and hot.

Bonfire of Lavenders
Bonfire of Lavenders

The farm had something like 14,000 lavender plants, and we probably lost about 10% to 15% of them to the floods. We are still counting. But, that means we probably have between 85% and 90% of the lavenders that are in good shape even though there are still patches here and there that we are watching closely to see if they will green up. If not, we’ll have to pull them out and burn them, too.

Luckily, last year we had a bumper harvest, this year it will be leaner. Even so, we are looking forward to fields of purple in another couple of months, and that first day of harvest when we again get to breathe the fragrance that armloads of lavender bring.

Good Looking Lavenders
Good Looking Lavenders
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Harvest to Oil

It was a fabulous season at the farm this year. We had a cracker jack crew harvesting and distilling.

Have fun watching these two very short videos from this summer’s work.


The first is the staff harvesting some Lavendula Angustifolia “Hidcote Pink”.

The second is the wonderful sight and sound of distillate coming out of the condenser.


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Good Morning

On a fabulously calm Sunday morning on June 7 the temptation to take pictures was overwhelming. So, Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

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Purple is coming!

Pre-bloom Folgate rRows
Pre-bloom Folgate rRows

Our earliest blooming lavender variety, Folgate, is almost blooming, but can be maddenly slow. Every June it’s the same… We think it will be blooming and it dawdles. Like a 3 year old on a walk.

Pre-bloom Folgate Blossoms
Pre-bloom Folgate Blossoms
Farmall Cup Tractor
Farmall Cup Tractor
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Sunsets at the Farm

The wind blows down the Strait of Juan de Fuca and hits Whidbey Island right where our farm lies. Aside from the lovely image of a gentle lavender breeze, we named it Lavender Wind due to the sometimes ferocious winds that come barreling onto the property.Strait to Whidbey

The good news is that the view to the west, up the Strait of Juan de Fuca and overlooking the Olympic Mountains allows for stunning nature’s art in the form of sunsets.

Here are some sunset pictures for you to enjoy

Even when the lavender isn’t blooming there is plenty of amazing color at the farm.

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Meditating with Lavender Wind’s Labyrinth

Labyrinth lavender in bloom 2006

The labyrinth is a symbol found in ancient cultures around the world, dating back at least 4000 years. A classic labyrinth composed of seven circles appeared on every continent. During the Middle Ages, an eleven-circuit labyrinth pattern emerged and was designed into the floor stones of many cathedrals in Europe. This pattern was in place in Chartres Cathedral no later than 1220.

Man in the Maze
Man in the Maze

There are many traditional designs for the labyrinth. The one  at Lavender Wind Farm  is from one of several Hopi designs from the American Southwest called The Man in the Maze. This design symbolizes the female womb, only penetrable if one is pure and perfect. The male figure outside, representing the human seed, can penetrate the womb, fertilize the ovum, produce new life, which then emerges as a new birth or a reincarnated existence. Entry into the labyrinth gives new life thus achieving reincarnation and eternal life.  Here, the lavender serves as the marker of the pathway, and gives the journey a sweet, fresh air.

Psychologist Carl Jung called the labyrinth an “archetype of transformation.”  Walkers along its sinuous path find they are often deeply affected. People in transition periods find a calmer perspective. Those with untapped gifts to offer have their creative fires rekindled. Walkers dealing with grief experience the depth of the loss and peace. For millennia, the circling path that evolved from the simple spiral brought centeredness and healing to untold numbers of walkers. After lying dormant for several centuries, this ancient design is making a comeback, as a variety of institutions and individuals re-create it on floors, lawns, and canvas.

Sometimes the words “labyrinth” and “maze” are confused. While both refer to circling patterns, the two are actually totally different. A maze is a puzzle and thus designed to confuse; walkers must use their reasoning and cunning to escape. A labyrinth is a single path which leads the walker to the center and back out. The point is not to use reasoning powers, but rather to turn these off and to go into a “right brain” or imaginative mode. In an open, receptive frame of mind, the walker simply follows the path and experiences a deep, refreshing form of meditation. The average meditative walk takes about half an hour, though walkers move at their own individual pace.


People walk from the outer edge (the periphery) to  the center, and then back to the outer edge. Unlike a maze, a labyrinth has  no blind alleys or dead ends. It will not frustrate, because it is not a puzzle to be solved. You cannot get “lost” or make a mistake because there are no choices to be made once you have made the decision to start walking.  The decision is a metaphor for the choice of whether or not to walk a spiritual path. By following the path you always end up either in the center of the labyrinth or back at the entrance – it is the journey to the center of your deepest self and back out into the world with a broadened understanding of who you are.

Adults pass through the labyrinth with their spiritual walk in mind.  Children run through it expressing their mastery over the gift of their body and mind. 


Either way is a sacred path.

Whidbey Island has more than one labyrinth that people can walk. Carol Pucci wrote an article about them.

You may download our Labyrinth Handout.

Our Gallery of image of our Labyrinth over the years:


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The Granery and Unexpected Help

Gathering Lavender at Granery
Gathering Lavender at Granery

There is an amazing resource in Coupeville, and no, I’m not talking lavender.

GraneryLate one afternoon I drove up to the Bishop’s Granery,where they have been letting me hang lavender to dry because we have a bumper crop and needed more drying space. I needed to clear out some dry lavender to make room for more fresh lavender we are harvesting.

The Granery has been on the prairie since at least 1893 as you can see in this image from the inside wall where they were logging bags of grain. Granery Graffitti

As I drove up to the gated dirt road, in my white Chevy Colorado pickup, a car was blocking the entrance to the driveway. A couple of people with cameras were wandering down the road. “Hey!”, I called out, a bit annoyed “I need to get in here.” The woman, with good will, immediately ran to her car and moved it so I could drive in. At the granery they approached me and asked if they could take pictures. With a grin, in spite of still being rather peevish, I said, “Sure! But you have to earn the right by helping me take down some of this lavender.” These two students of light, Arthur Myerson and Keron Psillas who are instructors at Pacific Northwest Art School, gasped with delight as their eyes adjusted to the darkness inside and they saw the racks of lavender hanging. The three of us cheerfully set to work taking the lavender out and throwing it into the back of the pickup. As farm workers they lacked efficiency because they kept stopping and taking pictures. I really can’t fault them, though, look at the result – Arthur sent me the top picture, it makes the lavender come alive. I ended up with a full load of lavender, and they ended up with a bunch of pictures and a story to tell their students.

Owl In Granery
Meet one of the current residents of the Granery.

The amazing resource is two-fold. It’s the Pacific Northwest Art School that brings talented, creative people to our community, and it’s Ebey’s Landing Historical Reserve that has preserved the prairie and beyond for generations to come.

PS. The Granery was part of a larger homestead, which is now gone. This is the setting where the granery is located just back of the tower sort of building.Historical Buildings

The historical pictures of the Granery and the owl are from Karen Bishop used with permission.
Arthur Meyerson’s picture of Sarah gathering lavender in the granery is used with permission.

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Lavender Wind Festival – 2014

Lavender Wind Festival2014  Poster

Our 11th annual Lavender Festival is bringing back wine and music for your enjoyment. Relax walking the lavender fields, then sit back and sip some local wines and listen to music. Want to learn how to make a lavender wreath or a lavender wand? This year we have booths with lavender craft activities, a children’s activity booth, and a wide variety of art booths by fabulous local artists. Oh, and did we mention food? You will find an amazing array of tasty treats for any palate. 

You don’t need tickets to come. Free Parking, if you are nice to the parking attendants!

Music Schedule

July 26

12:00 pm Siri Bardarson

3:00 pm  Shifty Sailors (Time delayed 1/2 hour)

July 27

12:00 pm  The Muse and Eye

2:30 pm   Skinny Tie Jazz


  • Mary Alice Sterling – Handmade & shaped baskets
  • Penny Allison Rees – Original Watercolor paintings
  • Mike & Marilyn Dessert – Red Cedar tote boxes,specialty dispensers & paper Quilling art
  • Cheri Bricker – Wire art creations for growing & protecting plants
  • Lyla Lillis – Artistic utilitarian pottery made with Whidbey Island Clay
  • Janis Swalwell – Handblown & sculpted art glass for your garden
  • Susan Large – Native American jewelry inspired by nature
  • Lucy Johnson – Modern style encaustic, mixed media & watercolor art
  • Jay Crowdus & Stuart Nelson – Metal animal & bird ornaments & garden design accents
  • Barbara Marks – Original paintings, ceramics & wood carvings
  • Peter Durand – Original Linoleum prints
  • Joel Griffith – Iron & wood furniture, wood bowls, sculpture & bird baths.

Lavender Crafts

  • Wreath Making
  • Lavender Wand Making
  • Distilling Demonstration
  • Children’s Activity Booth
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The workers who made the new shop possible

In addition to our own amazing staff, there have been a huge amount of people who have made the new shop what it is today.

Lee Construction

  • Mark Lee – Project contractor
  • Whidbey Electric
  • Whidbey Plumbing

Various suppliers

  • Dick’s Restaurant Supplies
  • Home Depot
  • Ace Hardware
  • Chuckanut Lighting
  • Costco

Town of Coupeville

  • Larry Kwarsick – Town planner
  • Greg Cane – Town engineer
  • Bob Snyder – Town Building inspector
  • Nancy Conard – Mayor

Andrew’s Landscaping

  • Environmental Abatement
  • NorWest  Concrete
  • The water guy

Davido Engineering
